Building Partnerships

The Alliance is building partnerships and cutting edge collaborative efforts on many fronts

International SCN8A Clinicians Network – the Alliance is hosting a newly formed SCN8A Clinicians Network which will collaborate on a range of initiatives, starting with the structured development of the first standard of care for the complex phenotypes within SCN8A. Click HERE to learn more.

SCN8A Research Consortium – the Alliance is hosting periodic meetings across multiple SCN8A research labs providing ongoing opportunities for coordination and collaboration. We look toward the Registry Consortium working collaboratively with partners to tap the rich potential of the Registry and publish collaborative on various findings.

Click HERE to learn more.

Sodium Channelopathy Coalition – the Alliance is continuing the SCC formed in collaboration between Wishes for Elliott and the Dravet Syndrome Foundation and FamilieSCN2A to host collaborative scientific discussions exploring synergies for research across the sodium channelopathies.

Click HERE to learn more.

DEE-P Community – the Alliance will continue the partnership with other DEE communities through the Developmental and Epileptic Encephalopathies-Project or DEE-P Connections. The collaborative effort focuses on providing live and archived resources on the wide range of medical, care and research-related interests that cut across all families with children severely affected by DEEs, including a subset of the SCN8A community.

For information on partnering with the International SCN8Alliance, write [email protected] – let’s meet and explore shared interests and partnership opportunities.