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SCN8A Network Meeting: Spanish Speaking Families

May 13, 2023 @ 3:00 pm 5:00 pm ET

¡Conéctate y aprende! Las redes regionales y variantes son su lugar para recibir soporte EN VIVO y actualizaciones de investigación. Las redes SCN8A, patrocinadas por SCN8A Alliance, ofrecen oportunidades trimestrales para conectarse con el Dr. Hammer, un padre de SCN8A y el científico genético responsable del descubrimiento de la asociación del gen SCN8A con la epilepsia pediátrica. Estos grupos le brindarán la oportunidad de compartir su viaje, hacer preguntas relevantes a su experiencia, discutir los recursos locales en su región, aprender sobre los desarrollos más recientes de SCN8A Y conectarse con otras familias en su área geográfica o familias con variantes similares.

Connect and learn! Regional and variant networks are your place for LIVE support and research updates. SCN8A networks, sponsored by the SCN8A Alliance, offer quarterly opportunities to connect with Dr. Hammer, an SCN8A parent and the Genetic Scientist responsible for the discovery of the SCN8A gene’s association with pediatric epilepsy. These groups will provide you with a chance to share your journey, ask questions relevant to your experience, discuss local resources in your region, learn about the newest SCN8A developments AND connect with other families in your geographic area or families with similar variants.



May 13, 2023
3:00 pm – 5:00 pm EDT

We would like to extend our thanks to Neurocrine Biosciences and Praxis Precision Medicines for their support of these meetings which bring improved quality of life to families and allows them opportunities to learn, connect, and contribute to the understanding of SCN8A.