850 Variant Meeting
This variant meets the second Saturday of March, June, September, and December to discuss what’s new with SCN8A. Please join us to learn more and meet other families with your variant! Register here!
This variant meets the second Saturday of March, June, September, and December to discuss what’s new with SCN8A. Please join us to learn more and meet other families with your variant! Register here!
This region meets the third Wednesday of March, June, September, and December to discuss what's new with SCN8A. Please join us to learn more and meet other families in your region! Register here!
This group meets on the fourth Saturday of March, June, September, and December to discuss what’s new with SCN8A. The Fast Inactivation Group is for individuals with the following variant locations: "p." number in one of the following ranges 1310-1325, 1466-1501, 1640-1654, 1760-1771. Please join us to learn more and meet other families with fast […]
This group continues but welcomes more families interested in a safe space to share current challenges, successes, and strategies for improving the quality of life of their children and families. https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZAqc-2vqjkuGNYBCqGqSxr1iTMzJrxm7l79
¡Conéctate y aprende! Las redes regionales y variantes son su lugar para recibir soporte EN VIVO y actualizaciones de investigación. Las redes SCN8A, patrocinadas por SCN8A Alliance, ofrecen oportunidades trimestrales para conectarse con el Dr. Hammer, un padre de SCN8A y el científico genético responsable del descubrimiento de la asociación del gen SCN8A con la […]
Connect and learn! Variant networks are your place for LIVE support and research updates. SCN8A networks, sponsored by the SCN8A Alliance, offer quarterly opportunities to connect with Dr. Hammer, an SCN8A parent and the Genetic Scientist responsible for the discovery of the SCN8A gene's association with pediatric epilepsy. These groups will provide you with a […]
Connect and learn! Network meetings are your place for LIVE support and research updates. SCN8A networks, sponsored by the SCN8A Alliance, offer opportunities to connect with Dr. Hammer, an SCN8A parent and the Genetic Scientist responsible for the discovery of the SCN8A gene's association with pediatric epilepsy. These groups will provide you with a chance […]
Join us on February 9th, International SCN8A Awareness Day, as we mark our progress since SCN8A was discovered as causing epilepsy in 2012. We will get an update on what we are learning about SCN8A and share a vision for where we are headed. Alliance co-founders will be joined by several surprise guests to mark […]
Our Severely Impacted Children meetings will primarily focus on the issues important to children who are Non-ambulatory, G/J fed, and have Global Developmental Delays. Connect and learn! Network meetings are your place for LIVE support and research updates. SCN8A networks, sponsored by the SCN8A Alliance, offer opportunities to connect with Dr. Hammer, an SCN8A parent […]
地域および変種のネットワークは、ライブサポートと研究の更新のためのあなたの場所です。 SCN8Aアライアンスが主催するSCN8aネットワークは、scn8aの親であり、scn8a遺伝子と小児てんかんとの関連の発見を担当する遺伝科学者であるHammer博士と接続する機会を四半期ごとに提供しています。 これらのグループは、あなたの旅を共有し、あなたの経験に関連する質問をし、あなたの地域の地元のリソースについて議論し、最新のSCN8Aの開発につ Connect and learn! Regional and variant networks are your place for LIVE support and research updates. SCN8A networks, sponsored by the SCN8A Alliance, offer quarterly opportunities to connect with Dr. Hammer, an SCN8A parent and the Genetic Scientist responsible for the discovery of the SCN8A gene's association with pediatric epilepsy. These groups […]
Our Mild/Moderately Impacted Children meetings will primarily focus on the issues of Seizure Control, Medications, Development, and Therapies. Connect and learn! Network meetings are your place for LIVE support and research updates. SCN8A networks, sponsored by the SCN8A Alliance, offer opportunities to connect with Dr. Hammer, an SCN8A parent and the Genetic Scientist responsible for […]
Conecte-se e aprenda! As redes regionais e variantes são o seu lugar para suporte ao vivo e atualizações de pesquisa. As redes SCN8A, patrocinadas pela SCN8A Alliance, oferecem oportunidades trimestrais de contato com o Dr. Hammer, um pai SCN8A e o cientista genético responsável pela descoberta da associação do gene SCN8A com a epilepsia pediátrica. […]
We would like to extend our thanks to Neurocrine Biosciences and Praxis Precision Medicines for their support of these meetings which bring improved quality of life to families and allows them opportunities to learn, connect, and contribute to the understanding of SCN8A.